10 Secrets to Ageing Gracefully - SUPERCELLS

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10 Secrets to Ageing Gracefully

June 25, 2020 3 min read 3 Comments

When I was young girl, I used to think a 70 year old looked more like my 94 year old grandmother.  Nowadays people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are bucking virtually all limiting preconceptions and embracing their very best life.

Most of us have heard the standard tips on how to look younger than our biological age.  Abstaining from smoking, not indulging in too much alcohol, avoiding stress, getting good quality sleep, drinking water, exercising and eating well, are all ways to look after yourself.  These are common sense “do’s and don’ts” that equate to a good quality life overall, and aren't just about how well you age.

However, what does a real person do in their everyday life that makes them look and feel so much younger than their biological age? 

Fortunately, I have a precious person in my life that is leading by example.  At 72 years of age, I think you’ll agree my mother defies the limiting societal constraints that come with ageing.  

I asked her to share personal tips on how she has remained youthful throughout the years.  Here’s her response:


  1. Health is a gift. I believe I’ve been blessed so far with what I have. Certainly my Italian genes would have contributed to my overall health and I follow a Mediterranean diet in line with my heritage.
  1. Live one day at a time and I await new challenges that will come my way. There’s no point worrying about the future, especially if it’s out of my hands. 
  1. My mental attitude to life is to never let what arrives be a threat to my health.  I think about what I have and not about what I don’t have.
  1. Think young always! I have a young mind and I don’t let it trick me into saying that I’m old and I can’t do the things I want to do in life. 
  1. Enjoy a family lifestyle, because it gives life to your soul. I really enjoy entertaining and having a red wine and a laugh with family and friends.
  1. I give as much love as I can and kindness goes a long way. It gives you back way more than you give.
  1. Hard work doesn’t kill, it’s usually the stress that does, so I still like to work to keep my mind active and youthful.
  1. I certainly enjoy a morning walk whenever possible, because it gives me clarity for the day ahead. I also pray as I walk.
  1. I don’t take any medications except for if I had an infection, or the like. Having a daughter with cellular health products has served me well, as I’m never sick and when I started to get arthritis in my left hand, it went away within 3 weeks of taking hydrogen.
  1. I don’t dress in the sort of fashion that makes me look like an old person. I embrace current trends, however it’s important to dress tastefully and in line with my maturity.




So what does all that mean to me, as her daughter?  Well, one gift I’ve received is that I no longer worry about getting older, because I have a role model that shows me how it’s done with style, grace and FUN.  Mum still turns heads walking down the street and owns every room she walks into. My friends are her friends and her friends are my friends. When there's common respect, where everyone is equal and no one looks above or below based on age, then life just flows so nicely.

Her loving heart, confidence, beauty and generous spirit shine through every wrinkle she wears on her face.  Why would I concern myself with the coming years when I have a mother that shows me it’s still possible to experience everything in life, no matter what your age is? 

Every year is a new opportunity for adventure, seeking new experiences, celebrating the small things, using the good things (hello crystal glassware), and spending time with people that lift you up, not bring you down.  Choose wisely who you spend the most time with.  These people form a huge part in not only how much you enjoy your life, but how long you’ll be around to enjoy it!

3 Responses

Kim Boyd
Kim Boyd

October 01, 2021

Such wonderful words to read and so inspiring, thank you to you and your beautiful Mum for sharing these insights🙏 You are certainly both proof that the products you offer & the lifestyle you choose to follow is a key to living a vibrant, more youthful life!! You all look amazing!!✨

Sascha Thompson
Sascha Thompson

August 15, 2020

What a great article on life, love and health.
It certainly makes me feel better reading your blog and I’ll certainly start the hydrogen as soon as possible.
Love to you all. Xxx


August 15, 2020

Wow ! I absolutely loved reading this article so real so inspiring 🎀🦋🙏🏼


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