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It is an all-natural, completely organic drink, chelated from ancient plant matter that’s rich in essential minerals & trace elements. Using the best clean water to leach the minerals and trace elements, our Complex Minerals Concentrate has all the life-giving nutrients the human body requires, delivered in a convenient and super potent liquid. 

Our supplement contains amino acids, trace elements, natural electrolytes and dissolved mineral complexes from an ancient deposit of natural organic plant material. It contains no sugar, no artificial flavours or colours and no alcohol. Please refer to the label on the Complex Minerals page in the SuperCells Shop for the full list of minerals, trace elements and amino acids.

Minerals are required by every organ, gland and muscle in the body to function properly. Over 900 common medical problems are directly linked to mineral deficiencies and because the human body cannot produce minerals, it’s important to get them externally. Modern farming methods have seriously depleted the minerals available from plant food sources making supplementation a necessity for good health. In light of the fact that our food supply is nutritionally deficient, supplementation has become a necessity rather than a luxury if we want to maintain good health.

Minerals exist in two forms; as metals and as organic substances. The human body isn’t designed to absorb and use minerals in a metallic form. Organic minerals are metals that have been chelated and have thereby become bioavailable. Minerals are chelated by being dissolved in fulvic acid, which is a part of humic substances. When a mineral is chelated by being dissolved in fulvic acid, the fulvic acid combines with the mineral to form organic mineral complexes that can be used in plant metabolism. Fulvic acid organic mineral complexes pass easily through the semi-permeable cell wall and perform metabolic functions that metallic minerals cannot.

The 74 different minerals in Complex Minerals are 100% bioavailable because they are chelated. The word chelate means to create a ring-like complex, or in loose terms ‘to grab and bond to’, which means the minerals are absorbed better. Minerals need to be chelated, bound to a protein molecule, to be bioavailable. Mineral assimilation without chelation is only about 10%.

Our mineral supplement contains humic and fulvic acids, which play an important part in healthy metabolism and act as recyclers of metabolic wastes. Soil contains a wealth of organic matter from decomposed plants and animals. A substance known as “humus” is the primary component of that organic matter. As water washes through soil, it washes away the humic acids from the humus in soil. Fulvic acid, a precious component of humic acid, is known as the only element capable of making nutrients bioactive on the cellular level. It is a by-product of plant photosynthesis and is the strongest chelating agent known. Fulvic acids enter into all life processes within plants and animals. They act as free radical scavengers, supply vital electrolytes, enhance and transport nutrients, catalyse enzyme reactions, increase assimilation, chelate macro and trace minerals and enhance electrochemical balance. Fulvic acid is what makes the trace minerals in Complex Minerals 100% bioavailable.

It is very important as it assists every stage of cellular metabolism and is the most powerful, natural electrolyte known. It restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralises toxins and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. When it encounters free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralise the free radical. Fulvic acid acts as a refiner and transporter of organic materials and cell nutrients. In human health and agricultural practices, Fulvic is now widely accepted as the missing nutritional link in human health. Fulvic has the unique ability to break down toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. It is effective at neutralising a wide range of toxic materials – everything from heavy metals and radioactive waste, to petrochemicals. It also breaks down elemental minerals ideal for human consumption. It’s known that Fulvic is readily admitted into living cells and are vital in delivering substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals and their living energies into the cells.

The fulvic acid was extracted from an ancient organic humus bed that was living plant matter and contained all of the major and trace elements when these deposits were stored.

The main difference is the fulvic acid content and the extraction method. Humic acid dissolves minerals in the soil, then the fulvic acid supplies the minerals to the plant via the root system. The minerals are then 100% bioavailable because they have been naturally chelated by the fulvic acid. Mineral complexes from rock, clay, salt beds or lakes are inorganic because they have never been assimilated by a plant and reduced to an ionic form. The body can only assimilate about 10% of an inorganic mineral complex. The minerals in Complex Minerals are extracted with purified cold water. This method does not destroy the fulvic acid. Many other mineral preparations are extracted using sulfuric acid, a method which produces a high sulphur, high solid (mostly sulphur), low carbon and low fulvic acid end product. Low carbon and low fulvic acid levels are the prime indicators that a mineral product is inferior.

There are numerous benefits of including fulvic acid in the Complex Minerals supplement. These include an increase in energy levels, removal of toxins from your body, helpful treatment of cuts, rashes and wounds and restoration of electrochemical balance. Combined with the minerals, fulvic acid can be of utmost help to someone who is experiencing a lack of energy due to the stress of everyday life, as well as anyone wanting to boost their metabolism and immune system. Fulvic acid helps colloidal minerals to become more effective, producing better results than taking the two substances independently.

A refined mineral or metal produced by man should not be confused with a naturally chelated ionic form of aluminium, arsenic, lead, or any trace element derived from plant life. Aluminium is the second most prevalent element on Earth and organic aluminium is in every food we eat. Combined with fulvic acid, organic aluminium forms aluminium silicate, which is harmless to the body. All minerals found in plants are bound to an organic compound composed of amino acids, proteins or acids. Plant form minerals are ionic rather than metallic elements.

When you begin to take fulvic acid, your body might undergo a mild detoxification process that cleanses and revitalises. This is due to the removal of toxin build up as it begins to be flushed out of your body. You may notice loose bowels or joint soreness, as pollutants are gradually removed. It is a completely natural and nutritional supplement and as such unused portions are naturally flushed from the body when not required, or if too much has been ingested. You cannot overdose on Complex Minerals.

We highly recommend teaming our Complex Minerals supplement with our molecular hydrogen and liquid oxygen supplements. The addition of these two products will aid your body enormously in ridding of all the impurities that have been affecting your health and quickly rebuild your health baseline from the cellular level. The oxygen opens the cells to receive, the hydrogen cleans the cells by scavenging free radicals and the minerals provides deep nourishment to the cells. All products work seamlessly together at the cellular level.

It’s important to dissolve Complex Minerals in water or any other non-carbonated beverage and ensure it doesn’t come into contact with surfaces, skin or mucous membranes. It will dissolve natural fibres and could cause a stinging sensation on skin or mucous membranes. Please note, our Complex Minerals supplement is very energising, so you are advised to not take it too late in the day, as it may delay sleep. You may notice darkened stools whilst taking Complex Minerals and that is completely normal and of no concern.

For adults, the recommended dosage is a minimum of 10-15ml day for general health. For other needs, up to 40 ml a day can be taken. For children we recommend 1 teaspoon for every 11kg of body weight. Please note, 1 capful of minerals is approximately 10ml. Depending on how you are feeling, you may reduce or increase the dosage. If you take less, the process of detoxification will slow down. If you take more, the process will accelerate. If you’re feeling stressed or run down, you can take additional dosages. If you’re doing physical work, playing sports, working late, you may take an extra dose to give your body additional energy. You can even add it to your water bottle and sip it throughout the day. Disclaimer: This information is of a general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended for use in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment or cure of any medical condition. Any health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional.