A Day In The Life Of A Ninja Warrior - SuperCells Hydrogen - SUPERCELLS

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A Day In The Life Of A Ninja Warrior

May 02, 2018 3 min read

I recently had the pleasure of catching up with Australian Ninja Warrior contestant Lisa Parkes and her nickname ‘pocket rocket’ is definitely on the money!  Lisa seems to be able to tap into an abundant stream of energy; juggling 3 kids, her charity work, regular competitions and her business - all seemingly with ease.

Lisa is certainly a diligent and determined woman.  To get some clues as to how she ‘does it all’, I quizzed her about her workout regime, what she eats and how living a wholesome life serves her.

SC: Lisa, congratulations on making the cut as a contestant on Australian Ninja Warrior.  You’ve definitely worked extremely hard to get there and have inspired a lot of people, especially mothers and women in general.Can you please talk us through a regular day in your life?

LP: A regular day in my life is pretty action-packed. I run 2 businesses, I’m a single mum and I also run a charity . Each day varies a little, however most days get up with the sun around 5.30am, hydrate straight away with molecular hydrogen and head to the beach with my awesome border collie Lulu, for a sunrise run. There’s no better way to start the day! 

Then I head into my business, Ninja Play Byron Bay, where I work one-on-one with clients, as well as run small functional natural movement classes. During a full day I would take up to 9 personal training sessions and 3 classes back to back. I then pick up my boys and do ‘mum duties’ as well as some admin before bed. The days I don’t work I still have a morning run, do yoga practice then spend the day with my boys doing fun activities like circus surfing, or a day at the beach.

SC: I'm exhausted just hearing about it!  I'm interested to know what you eat during the day to fuel so much activity?

LP: I’m quite a creature of habit with my food choices. For breakfast I have a homemade Acai bowl with bee pollen, cacao nibs, shredded coconut and homemade muesli with activated nuts. For lunch I have a mango matcha smoothie from Bare Blends, whom I’m an Ambassador for. Mid-afternoon I will take a serve of liquid oxygen and complex minerals to refuel my energy levels and I’ll also have a homemade protein ball.  For dinner generally I’ll make a nourish bowl with greens, avocado, sprouts, nuts and seeds.

SC: Do you follow a particular diet?

LP: I’m vegetarian, gluten and dairy free and I don’t eat any refined sugar and no carbs after 3pm.  I don’t drink coffee or alcohol either!

SC: Apart from training at your ninja gym, what other exercise do you do?

LP: I run, I do yoga, flying trapeze, rock climbing, surfing, pilates, functional fitness and cross training.  I like to mix it up and I enjoy all types of exercise.

SC: What are 3 values you live by? 


  • Health is your number one asset.
  • There’s no such word as can’t.
  • Don’t find an excuse, find a way. 

SC: What’s your philosophy on life?  

LP: We need to take care of our body, it’s the place we live in. It’s important to take a holistic and balanced approach to wellness through integration of body, mind and spirit.  

SC:  Nice!  If you could give anyone new to a healthy lifestyle some advice, what would it be?

LP: It’s important to look at yourself from a physical, emotional and spiritual standpoint.  Find things you enjoy doing and be around people that support you on your journey.

SC: Ok, so what's your daily non-negotiable?

LP: I’m all about healthy eating and won’t put crap into my body.

SC: Do you recommend any particular type of exercise for anyone starting a healthy living journey?

LP: Natural functional movement, which is what the body is designed to do.  It’s also important that they find something fun and enjoyable that won’t be a chore, so they won’t give up.

Tune in to see Lisa battle it out again in the upcoming season return of Australian Ninja Warrior on Channel Nine.




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